Christian Miss Need-Based Scholarship Application
This opportunity is only open to those who have expressed a desire to compete at the Christian Miss National Pageant and need financial assistance in order to do so. It is by invitation only.
Important: Award amount will be based upon the information provided in the scholarship application and the applicant’s essay. Only those who meet the Christian Miss eligibility requirements, agree to travel to and compete at the 2022 Christian Miss National Pageant, and agree to pay for and participate in two major optional competitions ($80 each) may apply. Maximum award amount is equal to the 2022 national pageant entry fee of $395.
First, spend time thinking about and formulating ideas on the following essay topic:
Explain how participation in the Christian Miss National pageant will benefit you.
Next, type out your essay:
It's ok to get help from an adult or older sibling for this step. We will take age into consideration. Minimum word count is 150 words. Maximum word count is 500 words. Any essay with 150 to 500 words is acceptable and will be judged on its content, not word count.
Use a word processing program like Microsoft Word, Google Docs, or Pages. Type your essay. Save it with this format as your filename: "Essay Title by Jane Doe". Upload it to the pink form below OR copy it and paste it in the message box on the pink form below OR type it directly into the message box on the pink form below.
Be sure to have someone check your essay for spelling errors or grammatical mistakes.

Submission time-frames for scholarships
Round 1 begins January 1st & ends January 31st at 11:59 PM CST
Scholarship award amounts will be emailed to you by Monday, February 7th
Round 2 begins February 1st and ends February 28th at 11:59 PM CST. Scholarship award amounts will be emailed to you by Monday, March 7th.
You may only apply for a scholarship once.
*Recipients of certain scholarship amounts MUST pay the entry fee for up to two of our major optional competitions by April 16, 2022 or the scholarship will be forfeited. Major optional competitions can be found here
Questions? Email verifications@christianmiss.com